E3's Console Crisis: The Show Without Its Major Players

E3 Console Crisis: The Show Without Its Major Players

E3 Grand opening this year.

It seems like E3 is finally back from the dead…sort of, after the 2021 digital disaster. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has partnered with ReedPop to resurrect E3 back to its physical form. But here’s the catch, the three major consoles X-box, Sony, and Nintendo will not show up to the event. This crippling blow may have just left the realm of E3 without a soul. So, will E3 rise from the ashes, or will it be doomed forever to haunt the halls of gaming events? Let’s hope it doesn’t become a zombie event.

Why are the kings of consoles not showing up to E3?

So, what’s the deal? Why is everyone backing out? It turns out, each company has its unique reasons for skipping the show. Let’s take a closer look.

First up, Sony. The company has been absent from E3 since 2018, after a disagreement with the ESA. This year is no different, as Sony has already moved the dates of its online showcases away from E3 week.

Next up, Nintendo. The beloved company is known for being a staple at E3, but this year it will be a no-show. VGC reports that Nintendo has decided to skip the show because it does not have any major releases to show at the event. Its big 2023 release, “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom,” will come out before the show in May, and there is a rumor that the Switch is nearing the end of its life and Nintendo is holding other big projects back for a successor console.

Finally, Microsoft has decided to give E3 the middle finger this year. After multiple layoffs and terrible financial failures in the Xbox division, it seems that Microsoft has decided to take a step back from the luxury spending of E3. Instead, the company is focusing on finding new ways to promote their upcoming games like ‘Starfield” and Forza Motorsport.” But hey, who needs E3 when you have the power to cut costs by firing employees, right?

So, what can we expect from E3?

Well, the ESA and ReedPop have a lot of work to do. With no major gaming companies at the show, it will be interesting to see how the event will go. But the ESA and ReedPop are dedicated to making the show work. In a statement to Polygon, ReedPop said, “We believe we’ve created a new format for the event that serves the needs of both the industry and its fans and are committed to building and growing it in the coming years.”

The burning question on everyone’s mind is: will the new format be enough to bring in a few sad, lonely fans? Only time will tell. As the world holds its breath from June 13 to 16 eagerly awaiting the inevitable failure of E3. But one thing is for sure, the show floor is going to look like a ghost town without Xbox, Sony, and Nintendo there to brighten up the place.

So, there you have it. E3 is back and ready to rock, minus the big three console makers. It’s going to be a wild ride, folks, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. But in the meantime, let’s just hope the ESA and ReedPop have a good sense of humor because they’re going to need it. Now check out our latest article about the biggest con artist on earth Elizabeth Holmes. 

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