What is hybrid remote work? Women Lost Opportunities

What is hybrid remote work? Women Lost Opportunities

What is hybrid remote work? How to Work in Pajamas and Still Miss That Promotion

What is hybrid remote work?Just when you thought the world was embracing gender equality, the pandemic comes along and slaps us in the face with a reality check. Women are getting a taste of the 1980s all over again. But this time with Zoom calls and a side of burnout. We now hope to give you a taste of what is hybrid remote work. and how it impacts women.ย 

Welcome to the hybrid workplace, where remote work becomes the shiny new object for working women struggling to balance careers, kids, and the never-ending pile of laundry. But beware ladies, this freedom comes with a hidden cost: career opportunities may be slipping through your fingers like sand at a socially distanced beach.

The Gendered Impact of the Pandemic on the Workforce

To refresh your memory, back at the height of the pandemic, women left the workforce at four times the rate of men. It was like a game of musical chairs, but with fewer jobs and more anxiety. Now, even with remote work options, women are still leaving in high numbers. This is probably because they’re too busy juggling their work and caregiving responsibilities to actually sit down and work.

What is hybrid remote work?And here’s the kicker: women who choose remote work might be setting themselves up for the dreaded “promotion penalty.” You know, the one where your boss “forgets” you exist because you’re not in the office. And suddenly Jim from accounting gets promoted instead of you. It’s like high school all over again, where you were invisible unless you hung out with the cool kids (i.e., the ones who show up at the office).

Hybrid Workplace Models: Preventing a Two-Tier Workforce

What is hybrid remote work?Companies should be aware of hybrid workplace models to avoid creating a two-tier workforce. But let’s be real; when has corporate America ever listened to good advice? Etsy, however, is trying something new, like holding meetings during “Prime Time.” And having their executives work remotely sometimes. Will it work? Only time will tell.

The moral of the story is: ladies, remote work may feel like a blessing in disguise but you might be unwittingly stepping onto the new “mommy track.” So, next time you’re sitting in your pajamas attending a Zoom meeting, just remember โ€“ your promotion could be as elusive as the mute button on that call.

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