iOS 16.5

iOS 16.5: The (Not So) Hidden Secrets and Witty Revelations

IOS 16.5: The Dark Side of the Apple

iOS 16.5Well, well, well… it appears Apple has decided to surprise us all by adding a couple of new tricks to its iOS 16.5 update. And by “tricks,” I mean, they’re pulling a rabbit out of a hat and hoping we don’t notice it’s actually just a stuffed toy.

First up, we’ve got the new Pride wallpapers. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for celebrating diversity, but who are we kidding? We all know that these are just another set of wallpapers that will be used for a few days before everyone goes back to pictures of their pets, kids, or that beach vacation they took three years ago. But hey, let’s keep up the charade – it’s all rainbows and unicorns in the Apple world, right?

Apple News App: From Search to Sports Scores

Then there’s the Sports tab in the Apple News app. RIP to the Search tab, which was quietly shown the door to make room for our new jock friend. Yes, the Search tab might have actually been useful for finding things, but who needs that when you can have scores for sports leagues you don’t follow? Priorities, people!

And speaking of the Sports tab, they’ve added this nifty feature where tapping on the three dots at the corner of the ‘My Sports’ score cards gets you more details about the game. Perfect for when you’re pretending to know what you’re talking about at the water cooler on Monday morning. “Did you see that ludicrous display last night?”

Apple’s iOS 16.5: The Good, The Bad, and The Glitchy

iOS 16.5But let’s not forget the slew of bug fixes. How comforting it is to know that Apple’s team is working tirelessly to fix things that should have probably been sorted out before the update was even released. “What’s that? Your podcasts aren’t loading in CarPlay, and your Spotlight search has turned into Hide and Seek champion? Oops, our bad. But look, new wallpapers!”

And for the adventurous among us, there’s always the option to become an Apple beta tester. This is a fabulous opportunity to have your device glitch out on you while you’re in the middle of something important. But hey, that’s the price of progress, right?

So, there you have it, folks. iOS 16.5 is on its way, complete with bugs to squash, tabs to mourn, and wallpapers that’ll be replaced by your dog’s photo in no time. All hail the Apple!

And remember, these are just beta features. They may not see the light of day, or night, depending on which side of the Apple you’re on. So, who knows? Maybe we’ll all wake up to an iOS update that turns our iPhones into glitter-spewing unicorns. Now that would be a sight. It’s good to know the features are making progress compared to IOS 16.4.

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