Is Ron Desantis Running for President? Alligator in the Swamp

Is Ron Desantis Running for President? Alligator in the Swamp

Ron DeSantis Declares War Against Wokeness and High School Debate Club Rivals 

Floridians will be losing their sleep as their Governor Ron DeSantis prepares to enter the 2024 presidential race and takes on a nation plagued by “wokeness”. While some people wake up to a cup of coffee, DeSantis wakes up to a fight against woke politics. Because there’s no rest for the politically embittered. So, Is Ron DeSantis running for president?

Is Ron Desantis Running for President?In a move that embodies the term ‘modern age’, DeSantis will announce his candidacy in a Twitter Spaces session with Elon Musk, the outgoing CEO of Twitter. This digital age marvel is as far from a traditional whistle-stop tour as a SpaceX rocket is from a horse-drawn carriage.

Is Ron Desantis Running for President: Engaging with the Virtual Masses 

It’s a foolproof strategy – DeSantis doesn’t have to answer tough questions from the media by announcing on Twitter Spaces. According to someone close to the Trump team, “This way he gets to avoid people and the media can’t ask him any questions.” A genius moves or a masterstroke. Time will tell.

Is Ron Desantis Running for PresidentNow, armed with more than $110 million in supportive PAC money. And a passion for engaging with the virtual masses. DeSantis is determined to prove that Trump can’t survive another bout with Biden. His strategy can be summed up as if you can’t beat them, convince others that they can’t either.

As DeSantis gets ready to rumble, his donors are gearing up for a sophisticated gathering at the Four Seasons in Miami. Nothing screams “presidential announcement” like $20 cocktails and rooftop views. Hopefully, the valets will be ready for the parade of Teslas following Musk’s retweet.

The DeSantis Show: Political Drama and the Race for Presidency 

In the meantime, the DeSantis campaign showed signs of hurried planning. An email advising the media about the Twitter event indicated it was set for “March 24.” it’s two months behind schedule. And the current state of his campaign website is as cryptic as a Dan Brown novel. It features a black page and an ominous alligator. All that’s missing is a countdown clock and dramatic music.

In conclusion, brace yourselves for the race. Whether the campaign will be a triumphant saga or a blooper reel. One thing is certain – it’s going to be one heck of a show. Remember, folks, politics is the greatest reality TV show we didn’t sign up for.

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