Florida Governor Ron DeSantis set his sights to be president?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis set his sights to be president?

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis Eyeing Presidential Throne

it seems like the sunshine state has found its shining star – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He’s apparently eyeing the presidential throne in 2024, according to two people who probably know nothing about the future. The best part? He hasn’t even officially declared his candidacy yet, but a political committee is already trying to drag him into the race. Talk about enthusiasm! And to top it all off, DeSantis is hitting up the early nominating states of Iowa and Nevada to advertise his new memoir – because nothing screams “presidential material” like selling a book.

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Run, Ron, Run! The Pro-DeSantis PAC

Ah, politics as usual. A new pro-DeSantis PAC has appeared, named Never Back Down – because when it comes to money and power, why back down? The group is headed by Ken Cuccinelli and Chris Jankowski, two seasoned GOP workers who have clearly learned that the key to success is not having a conscience. It’s not clear whether the PAC will gain approval, but it’s definitely the top nominee for donations from wealthy DeSantis supporters. What better way to show your patriotism than by buying a politician? And if DeSantis decides to run, the group’s PAC, Run, Ron, Run! will be happy to transfer its funds to his campaign committee. We all know in America; democracy isn’t about the people – it’s about who has the most money.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Hits the Jackpot

Well, it looks like Governor DeSantis has hit the jackpot! He finished his reelection campaign with over $70 million still sitting in a state committee. And what’s the next logical step for all that cash? Using it to fund a presidential campaign, of course! DeSantis’s advisors are reportedly exploring ways to transfer the funds to a pro-DeSantis super PAC. I mean, why bother with pesky campaign finance laws when you have millions of dollars lying around? And it’s interesting to note that Ken Cuccinelli, who has a history of association with former President Donald Trump, has now thrown his support behind DeSantis. Birds of a feather, I suppose!

Ready for Ron: A Growing Fan Club for Governor DeSantis

It seems like the DeSantis fan club is growing by the day! The latest addition is Ready for Ron, a group committed to convincing the governor to run for president. They’re even collecting signatures from people who want to see him in the race. Because what’s more important than blindly supporting a politician without any regard for their policies or character? But it looks like the group has hit a snag – the Federal Election Commission has issued an advisory opinion stating that providing contact information of signees to DeSantis’s team would violate federal campaign finance laws. But fear not, Ready for Ron is not giving up that easily. They’re asking a court to invalidate the opinion.

Ron DeSantis’s Memoir Tour: Progress or Politics?

Ah, the tour of the year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s memoir. He’s been traveling the country, promoting Florida as a conservative governance model. We all know, nothing screams “progress” like advocating policies that help the wealthy at the cost of the poor. Now we know why the FED has been trying to do everything in its power to destroy the working class with rate hikes. And to spice things up even more, he’s bringing Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds along for the show. obviously, when you’re trying to win a presidential election, there’s no other way to do it than by cozying up to other politicians. However, no one has ever seen DeSantis’s small talk abilities, so that’s causing doubt about his retail politic game. But, we cannot rule out the elephant in the room – former President Trump, who will absolutely make things interesting for DeSantis and other Republican contenders.

The GOP Presidential Race Heats Up

Looks like the race for the GOP presidential nomination is turning up! According to recent polls, DeSantis would be a strong candidate, along with former President Trump, if he decides to run. But let’s not forget that the arena is still open, and other candidates might jump into the battle. It’s an all-out free-for-all! And while DeSantis hasn’t officially announced his candidacy, his public and private movements suggest that he and his allies are ready for the 2024 campaign.

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